Paul Weckhoven

Offertoire in C minor, Op. posth.

  Offertoire in C minor  
1.60 USD
PDF, 233.6 Kb (6 S.)


Alternativtitel Franck's Offertoire III
KomponistCésar Franck
Paul Weckhoven
VerlegerEdition Plein-Jeu
Genre Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Instrumentierung Orgel
Partitur fürSolo
Art der PartiturFür einen Interpreten
Tonart c-Moll
Länge 5'0"
Schwierigkeitsgrad Mittel
Beschreibung Franck's posthum organ works published his son George after Franck's death as one harmonium version by Eschig Publishing in Paris.
This is a recontruction from the harmonium to the organ.
To find the right registrations, please have a look at the organ disposition in St. Clothilde, Paris (Franck's organ).
Datum des Uploads 01 Mrz 2012


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